.....I stole that idea from my sister when I announced I was starting this blog. I started emailing friends about an idea, and got so many great responses that a blog was suggested as a better forum. So--here we go:
I came across this interesting blog piece on the decline of women's happiness over the years. (Aha! I thought it was just me!)
If you have time to read the article and give me your feedback, i.e. how you deal with sadness etc. I would really love your opinion.
I've had a particularly depressing few weeks recently--lots of bad news on all fronts, mostly hearing about divorce, death, troubled children etc. Add that to my already heavy burden of "depressed husband due to unemployment" and it has really bothered me. Generally speaking, I consider myself a happy person. I think all that know me understand that my faith in God and accompanying church service are a huge part of keeping myself happy. Also, my family and friends.
I have been blaming my general malaise on menopause and the bad news from the economy. Do you think that's it?
I would really welcome your honest input on this issue. I need some discussion about this. I'm looking for some HOPE!!
Food for thought
12 years ago
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